Entity Relationship

Entidad Relación, blog sobre Bases de Datos

Welcome to Entity Relationship! We are your go-to blog for relational databases. Here, you’ll find everything you need to know to understand and manage your databases efficiently. Our goal is to help you optimize your data management through high-quality articles and tutorials, and provide you with the necessary resources to enhance your experience in the world of databases.

Bases de Datos

Your go-to blog for relational databases


In this section, you will find a variety of articles related to databases. From basic to advanced topics, all the important aspects you need to know to understand and effectively manage your databases. Go to the section.


Do you want to delve into a specific topic? In our tutorials section, you’ll find step-by-step guides to learn how to do specific things with your databases. From how to create tables and relationships to how to write complex queries, our tutorials will help you expand your database skills. Go to the section.


In this section, you will find a variety of useful resources for database management. From tools and software to books and other websites, we will provide you with a list of the most useful resources to help you enhance your experience in the world of databases. Go to the section.

Tu blog de referencia en bases de datos relacionales

Discover ‘The Data Journey: A Relational Adventure’!

Embark on a unique adventure through the magical realm of Relationalia and transform your understanding of databases. Each chapter of this series takes you deeper into the kingdom, uncovering the secrets of databases through metaphors and captivating narratives.

Are you ready to begin your journey?

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Pasar de Modelo Entidad-Relación a Modelo Relacional

Este recurso está diseñado para pasar de Modelo Entidad-Relación a Modelo Relacional, explicando cada una de las relaciones.

Relación Reflexiva 1:1

¿Qué son las bases de datos relacionales?

Las bases de datos son una forma de almacenar y organizar información en una estructura lógica y ordenada. Existen diferentes tipos de bases de datos según el modelo que siguen para representar los datos y las relaciones entre ellos. Uno de los modelos más populares y utilizados es el modelo relacional.

Cómo crear y manipular tablas SQL

Cómo Crear y Manipular Tablas SQL

SQL, o Structured Query Language, es un lenguaje de programación diseñado para gestionar datos en sistemas de gestión de bases de datos relacionales. Una de las tareas más fundamentales al trabajar con SQL es crear y manipular tablas. En este tutorial, te guiaremos…

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